Clinics We Offer

We are contracted to provide the normal general practice services known as ‘essential’ and ‘additional’ services. We also provide a number of ‘enhanced services’. Below are some of the services we provide in special clinics for which you will need an appointment.

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Diabetic Clinic

Patients with this condition may be monitored by Jill and Karen, or if your case is not straightforward, they may see you with a visiting Specialist Diabetic Nurse who visits from the hospital once a month.

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Asthma & Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Patients who have either been diagnosed with either of these will routinely be offered appointments with one of the nurses. The doctor may also refer you for spirometry to one of the nurses. This is a specialised piece of equipment to measure your breathing and is useful to help the doctor in diagnosing your problem.


Child Health

Child Health Surveillance: routine baby/developmental checks, in particular the 6-8 week check, carried out by Dr Chishick. If you have a new baby you will automatically be offered an appointment for your baby when he or she is between 6 and 8 weeks. It is very important you bring your baby to this appointment. 

REMEMBER to bring your childs red book to this appointment. 

Childhood Immunisations: these are carried out by our nurses. You will receive automatic invitations when your child’s immunisations are due.

REMEMBER to bring your childs red book to your appointments. Please make sure you contact us if you are unable to keep the appointment.

Routine childhood immunisations - Sept 2024


Every Sleep Must be a Safer Sleep - Keep your Baby safer


DadPad - The essential Guide for New Dads


Coronary Heart Disease

Patients who have been diagnosed with heart disease, or considered at risk because of other illnesses, will routinely be offered extended appointments with one of the Practice Nurses.

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Family Planning

A full range of contraceptive services are offered by the doctors in their routine surgeries. If, having discussed your options with a doctor, you decide to have a coil fitted, an appointment will be made for you at a suitable time with the doctor.

If you wish to have a Long Acting Reversible Contraceptive (LARC) implant or a coil, the appointment with be with Dr Chishick  who is qualified to insert and remove these.

Cervical Smears

Cervical Smears

These are carried out by all three of our Practice nurses. Under 25 - upto 6 months before you turn 25. Routine smears are advised on a 3 yearly basis for women between the ages of 25 – 49, and 5 yearly from the ages of 50 -64. 


If after speaking to either your doctor or practice nurse that you would like to be removed form the cervical screening programme.

Please follow the link below