Carers Advice

Carers Event

Are you a carer?

Do you look after your husband, wife, parent, child or neighbour? Caring is often something we do for our loved ones, without thinking about it and without realising we are a carer.

A carer is anyone, including children and adults who look after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid.

Caring can be very rewarding, but without support it can also have a negative impact on a person’s own health and wellbeing, their finances, and social opportunities. It is important to know what support is available to you from us as your GP surgery.

We hold a Carers Event on the First Wednesday of each month between 12:30 - 2:00pm at the surgery.

Next meeting Wednesday 5th June 2024 - We will NOT be meeting again until the 4th September 2024


Tea/coffee & cakes will be provided.

Everyone welcome. 


Carers Week 10 - 16 June 2024

Healthy Eating Week - 10 -14 June 2024

Tangmere Medical Centre Carers Support Policy

If you are a carer you might find it difficult to access our services without extra support.

If you identify yourself as a carer our staff will try to offer you:

  • Home visits and/or telephone appointments if caring responsibilities mean you cannot leave the person you care for at home or bring them with you to the surgery.
  • Flexibility or priority on appointment times where possible.
  • Support for the person you care for in the waiting room or a private area if you need to bring them to the surgery but would like an appointment in private.
  • Information about local carers support services which may be able to arrange transport and/or sitting services to help you leave home to attend surgery.
  • Setting up an online account for you to order medication on behalf of the person you care for. 
  • An annual health check and a flu jab.
  • Information about your right to a Carers’ Assessment of your own needs as a carer.
  • Advice on safer lifting and other aspects of providing care such as medication.
  • Discussing with you what you would like us to do in the event of you or the person you care for having a medical or other emergency.
  • Information on planning for emergencies.
  • With your consent we can also refer you to Carers Support West Sussex. 

a person wearing a suit and tie standing in front of a coat

In some cases caring roles are full time and very demanding. We would like to support you in your caring role where we can. We will avoid making assumptions about the amount of care you wish to take on.

Caring should not be at the expense of your own health and wellbeing. Please tell us how your caring role is affecting you and if you have any support needs.

We will try to help you by:

  • Respecting your privacy and confidentiality and conducting conversations of a personal nature in private.
  • Discussing the benefits of appropriate information sharing with patients who need or may in future need care from a relative or friend.
  • Providing you with information about the condition and needs of the person you care for, such as the effects of medication, where that person gives consent.
  • Always listening to and respecting the information you give us about your caring role and the needs of the person you care for.
  • Providing you with general information about health conditions when you ask for it when we do not have consent from the person you care for to share their personal information.


Peter Smith is the social prescriber attached to our practice who may be able to help with any non-medical issues experienced by our patients or support patient with mental health issues.

Please contact reception for further information. You can also refer yourself through the following link below.


Lions Message in a Bottle 

MIAB it is a simple idea that enables ANYONE to have their personal and/or medical details kept in a small secure container that would be of immense benefit to the emergency services in the case of an emergency. The trick is to KEEP IT IN YOUR FRIDGE.

The good news it it is FREE.  Ask for a bottle from reception at the surgery.

Carers Support


Carers Support West Sussex | Information

Did you know, 3 out of 5 people will become an unpaid carer.

Anyone can be a carer, an 85-year-old husband caring for his wife with Dementia, an 18-year-old looking after her Mum with a long-term illness or a young person looking after a parent with an alcohol problem. For some caring has always been part of their life, for many it evolves over time and for others they are suddenly thrown into a caring role.

No matter what your caring circumstance, Carers Support West Sussex are here to offer you guidance and practical and emotional support.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you.  | 0300 028 8888 |

  • Carers have access to 24-hour telephone response service
  • Opportunity for stronger contingency planning in case of emergency
  • Identifies you as a carer
  • Offers peace of mind as a carer
  • Discounts and special offers across the county

 Working with you one-to-one to understand your personal situation

  • Helping you understand your rights as a Carer in the UK
  • Supporting you to improve your physical and mental health
  • Helping you to plan for the future
  • Supporting you to access available grants and welfare benefits
  • Arranging equipment to help you and the person you look after
  • Signposting to other relevant services that may also help.

Benefit Toolkit


Head Office, The Orchard, 1-2 Gleneagles Court, Brighton Road, Crawley, RH10 6AD

Registered Charity No. 1123359

Company No. 6418743

Social Media Details





Carers UK

They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.

Telephone: 020 7378 4999


Herbert Protocol - Sussex Police

What is the Herbert Protocol? The Herbert Protocol is a form that carers, family or friends of a vulnerable person, or the person themselves can fill in.