CVD Data


General Data Extraction Service (GPES)



Purpose : NHS England has directed NHS Digital to collect and analyse data in connection with Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Audit (referred hereafter to as “CVDPREVENT Audit”).


The NHS Long Term Plan identifies cardiovascular disease (CVD) as a clinical priority and the single biggest condition where lives can be saved by the NHS over the next 10 years. CVD causes a quarter of all deaths in the UK.


This General Practice Extraction Service (GPES) data will be extracted as an initial full-year extract of data and thereafter as an extract on a quarterly basis. The first extract is scheduled to take place in the second half of 2020-21 financial year and will cover the previous financial year of 2019-20.


Legal Basis: All GP Practices in England are legally required to share data with NHS Digital for this purpose under section 259(1)(a) and (5) of the 2012 Act


More information on this data extraction can be found here


Processor: NHS Digital

 You can find further information regarding opting in to the data extraction here.